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Spells with Hair

Spells with Hair

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Spells with Hair: Unlocking Personal Power for Love, Protection, and Influence

Spells with Hair
Spells with Hair

Spells with hair are among the most effective in magic because hair carries a person’s energy, making it a powerful tool for connecting and influencing them spiritually. Whether you’re looking to attract love, rekindle a relationship, or shield yourself from negative forces, hair-based spells offer a personal and potent form of magic.

This guide explores various types of spells with hair, including burning hair spells and spiritual rituals involving hair, giving you a step-by-step approach for successful spellcasting.

Why Use Hair in Spells?

Hair holds energy and personal essence, making it an ideal component in sympathetic magic—where items connected to an individual can influence their life. Using hair, whether from yourself or another person, creates a direct magical link to the individual involved, amplifying your intention.

Unlike other objects like photographs or personal belongings, hair never loses its energy, even after being cut. This makes it ideal for both positive rituals (like love spells) and more intense rituals (such as hexes or protection spells).

When and How to Use Spells with Hair

The timing and preparation of your spell are crucial. For example, casting a spell during the full moon amplifies your intentions, while spells for new beginnings are best performed during the new moon. Always cleanse your space with sage or incense before performing rituals to remove negative energy and make your magic more effective.

  • Best Time for Love Spells with Hair: Full moon or waxing moon phase
  • Best Time for Protection Spells with Hair: Waning moon or dark moon phase
  • Hex or Binding Spells: Perform on Saturdays, the day associated with endings and banishment

Types of Hair Spells and How to Perform Them

1. Love Spell with Hair

Spells with Hair
Spells with Hair

Purpose: Attract romantic energy or deepen an emotional connection.


  • A piece of your hair and your target’s hair
  • A pink or red candle
  • Lavender oil
  • A silk cloth

How to Perform:

  • Anoint the candle with lavender oil and light it.
  • Twist your hair with your target’s hair, focusing on the relationship outcome you desire.
  • Wrap the hair in the silk cloth and say:
    “By these strands, our hearts entwine, may love grow strong, forever mine.”
  • Let the candle burn out. Store the cloth near your bed.

2. Burning Hair Spell for Release or Revenge

Burning hair spell is often used to end toxic relationships or sever ties energetically. Burning hair is also used in hexes, but proceed with caution, such spells can backfire karmically.


  • Hair from the person you wish to release or hex
  • A black candle
  • Paper and pen

How to Perform:

  • Write the name of the person and your intention on the paper.
  • Light the candle and burn the hair along with the paper.
  • Chant:
    “With this flame, I cut all ties. Let this bond be undone, no more lies.”
  • Scatter the ashes outside.

3. Protection Spell Using Hair

If you feel under spiritual attack or need to shield yourself from someone’s negative energy, this spell can help.


  • Your own hair
  • A white cloth pouch
  • Sage and rosemary
  • Black tourmaline crystal

How to Perform:

  • Place your hair and herbs inside the cloth pouch.
  • Hold the crystal in your hand and say:
    “By this hair, I guard my soul. No harm shall reach me, I remain whole.”
  • Keep the pouch with you, especially during difficult encounters or when entering negative spaces.

4. Honey Jar Love Spell with Hair

This popular spell is used to sweeten someone’s thoughts toward you and create affectionate feelings.


  • A piece of the target’s hair
  • A small jar of honey
  • A piece of paper with both your names
  • Red ribbon

How to Perform:

  • Place the hair and paper inside the jar of honey.
  • Tie the jar with the red ribbon while saying:
    “As this honey is sweet, so too shall your thoughts be of me.”
  • Shake the jar daily for seven days to strengthen the spell.

Spiritual Rituals Involving Hair

Spells with Hair
Spells with Hair

Hair is not only used for spells but also in spiritual rituals across cultures. In African and Indigenous traditions, hair is treated as sacred, often braided with intention to attract positive outcomes. In some cultures, cutting hair symbolizes releasing old energy or toxic patterns, especially during key life transitions or full moon ceremonies.

Spells in Nearby Locations

If you’re interested in further exploring spells with hair, New York, California, Texas, Florida and Tampa offer opportunities to connect with online practitioners. Many spellcasters in these cities offer online consultations or even on personalized spells and workshops on sympathetic magic, including how to use hair effectively in rituals.

Ethical Considerations

Using someone else’s hair without permission can have serious consequences, both karmically and legally. Always be mindful of your intentions when casting spells with hair—positive magic aligns with universal energy, while manipulative spells may result in unintended backlash. It’s recommended to use hair magic responsibly and with respect for everyone involved.

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FAQ: Spells with Hair

What are spells with hair used for?

Spells with hair are used to harness personal energy for various rituals, including love, protection, influence, and banishment. Because hair carries a person’s unique energy, it is often used in spells to create a direct connection to the individual.

How does a burning hair spell work?

A burning hair spell typically involves taking strands of hair and burning them to release energy and amplify intentions. This spell is often used for releasing emotions, breaking bad habits, or severing toxic connections. Always ensure you perform it safely, preferably in a fire-safe dish.

Can I use my own hair for spells?

Yes! Using your own hair strengthens the spell’s connection to your personal energy and intentions. It’s ideal for spells of self-improvement, such as boosting confidence or attracting love.

What is the spiritual significance of hair in rituals?

Hair symbolizes strength, energy, and individuality in many spiritual practices. In witchcraft and other rituals, it represents a powerful tool for channeling energy, allowing practitioners to link their intentions directly to someone.

Are there ethical concerns with using someone else’s hair in spells?

Using someone else’s hair without permission raises ethical and spiritual concerns. While it can enhance the effectiveness of the spell, it’s important to respect privacy and consent to avoid karmic consequences.

What are some common spells using hair?

Love Spells with Hair: To attract or rekindle romantic relationships.
Protection Spells: Use hair to ward off negative energy or protect a loved one.
Influence Spells: Gain favor or positively influence someone’s decisions.
Banishing Spells: Remove toxic people or energy from your life.

Can spells with hair be reversed?

Yes, many spells can be reversed or undone through counter-spells, energy cleansing, or rituals involving purification, such as burning herbs like sage or using saltwater baths.


Spells with hair offer a deeply personal and effective way to influence outcomes, whether for love, protection, or release. With the right ingredients, timing, and intention, these spells can manifest powerful results quickly. However, as with any form of magic, it’s essential to approach these practices with care, mindfulness, and respect for the energies at play.

If you’re based in New York, Texas, California, Jacksonville or Tampa, connecting with an online practitioner can provide additional guidance to refine your spellcasting techniques.

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